How Big Is Your Heart? 

Your heart is big enough to carry the weight of the world, meaning the people in your life and situations around you. Your heart will try to handle all the stress and experience all the pain if you let it. Your heart will try to do anything you want it to do and feel what you want it to feel, but sometimes it is at a great cost. We worry about anything and everybody. We cannot help it.  However, all of this is wear and tear on your heart. When we do not take control of our lifestyle, the stress and strain of daily living have a chance to take control and take over. 

Respect.  What a strong word. When we respect something or someone, we do what we can to do what is expected of us.  We do what we can to not aggravate that person or situation.  We try not to anger or do anything that would cause trouble.  We should treat our hearts with this same type of respect. It does a lot for us. Less strain and stress on the heart helps it to work better. Respect your heart by minimizing the effects of avoidable and sometimes unavoidable pressures. It is the little things that we can do to take control of life situations and events that are in our control.

So, How Big Is Your Heart?  Oh, it is really big, and it has a big job. It never rests. It is 24/7 on the job in your life when treated with respect. That is why we must do our part to take care of it so that it can continue to take care of us.  You are on your way to Living a heart-healthy lifestyle when you start developing, living, and maintaining Heart Healthy Habits.

What is the control plan? The control plan consists of eating right, exercising, minimizing stress, relaxing, asking for help, and delegate. Talk to someone when you need to.

Take care of your heart so it can take care of you!

How Big Is Your Heart?